Dog Training Profile for your dog from one of our expert trainers


Choosing a boarding cattery

There are a number of questions that you should ask before choosing a cattery for your pet. Probably the most important thing to do is to visit the boarding cattery yourself, even though it may have been recommended by friends and family. Before going it is advisable to check with the cattery the best time of day to visit so that you don't turn up at feeding time or morning cleaning. This will enable the staff to spend more time with you to answer any questions. At Paws 'n' Claws we don't have an appointment system... just any time between 11.00am and 3.00pm.

You need to ask sufficient questions to satisfy your requirements. These should cover:

  • up to date boarding licence from local council
  • vaccination requirements
  • feeding arrangements
  • beds, bedding and toys
  • medication - how is this monitored?
  • heating
  • disinfectants used and cleaning procedures
  • delivery and collection times
  • charges
  • availability at peak seasons
  • staffing levels
  • grooming
  • laundry
  • administration - what information is recorded about you and your pet - it should include
    • your name and address and phone numbers
    • contact details while you are away
    • your pets details - breed, age, medical history, medication, vaccination record, temperament
    • vets details
    • feeding requirements

Areas to visit:

  • cattery with cats in!
  • kitchen/food preparation and storage
  • grooming room
  • laundry
  • reception/administration

Things to look for:

  • attitude of staff
  • standard of cleanliness
  • level of security - is there a secondary barrier to prevent escape?
  • sneeze barriers
  • lighting and ventilation
  • heating
  • standard of maintenance

As you can see there's plenty to ask and look at on a visit so allow time for yourself and the cattery staff... and finally if you decide to book do so well in advance to avoid disappointment. Good catteries get booked up early for peak season.

t. 01704 821 512