Here is a selection of questions we are often asked but if you have others please e-mail or give us a ring.
Q. Why choose Dog Training UK to train your dog?
A. There are numerous companies offering residential dog training courses, some claiming to be the first, some the largest, some the best etc. so why choose us?
- we stick to our promises
- we're honest and open with our customers
- we've got time to answer all your questions
- we have a 98% success rate
- we provide high quality dog training services personalised for your dog
- we have a team of very experienced trainers including show judges, obedience and field trial competitors, show exhibitors who are all dog lovers.
- we guarantee to demonstrate to you the activities your dog has been trained to do ...... or we won't charge you!
- if we feel that after starting to train your dog we are not going to achieve our normal high standards you are welcome to collect your dog and we'll not charge you a penny!
Q. How is the residential dog training course arranged?
A. Once we have received your booking one of our dog trainers will contact you to agree a time for your dog to be delivered to us. On arrival you are welcome to view all our facilities and see where your dog will be staying. We then like to meet your dog and find out about your dogs temperament and discuss any particular problems (if any) that you are having. Having completed all the administration side of things we will settle your dog in his kennel ready to start training.
During the course of the next three weeks your dog will follow our residential dog training programmer. We will contact you regularly during this period to keep you up to date on progress.
Shortly before the end of the course we will contact you to arrange a time for you to collect. On arrival we will carry out a demonstration with your dog so that you can see exactly what has been achieved. Then it’s you turn to take over. We will instruct you on a one to one basis how to handle your dog and how to maintain the standard of obedience achieved.
We will provide you with a programme to follow for the next few weeks on returning home. This is a very basic programme only requiring a relatively small amount of time. If you have any questions when back home please feel free to e-mail or ring us.
Q. Will you be able to train my dog?
A. We have a success rate of over 98%. This means that we are very confident that we can achieve the necessary standard with most dogs.
Q. Which dogs are you unable to train?
A. Dogs that are very aggressive towards people and which, despite our utmost efforts to make friends with them, are still unapproachable. In this case we contact the owner as soon as possible and decide what actions to take. If the dog is returned home no charge is made. This only occurs very infrequently and we find that we can overcome problems with even the most aggressive sorts.
Q. Will I be able to handle and control my dog?
A. Most owners find it easy to handle their dog once trained. We give you one to one instruction and go through all the commands with you and your dog. However it is essential to follow very carefully the instructions provided when you return home. Dog training is not like programming a robot which once programmed will for ever obey! Its necessary to carry on in the way we've trained your dog. We provide extended on-going support to answer your questions.
Q. What are the benefits of training my dog?
A. Today dogs are an integral part of our families and it's important that we are able to take them for walks, socialise, and go on holiday in a relaxed manner. A trained dog is a pleasure to be with. All dogs benefit from training whether they be older with a difficult problem to overcome or relatively young dogs not yet matured. Owners benefit greatly as well .... we hope to teach them how to look at things from the dogs standpoint.
Q. How will I be able to find out how my dog is progressing?
A. During the course we keep you updated on how your dog has settled in and then subsequently on how the training is progressing. We find e-mails to be the best and most convenient method. However is this is not ideal for you we can phone or use mobile text messages.