Conditions of acceptance of animals by DogtrainingUK
- All animals must be fully inoculated. A valid vaccination certificate must be shown to us and have a vaccination date within the last twelve months listed.
- All dogs must be treated with either Intrac or Nobivac KC to help prevent infectious bronchitis (kennel cough) before we can accept them. A valid vaccination certificate must be shown to us.
- Whilst every possible care and attention is given to each animal boarded in the kennels, we cannot be responsible for loss, either from illness or other causes.
- 4. That the owner discloses to us if the animal is aggressive to people or other animals or has bitten people or other animals and that we are made aware of all such incidents.
- That a veterinary surgeon be called if we feel it is necessary. Account to be paid by the owner of the animal.
- That the owner discloses to us any medical condition that the animal has, medical treatment that the animal has received within the previous twelve months or is currently receiving.
- Details of any medication to be given in writing specifying quantity and frequency of doses.
- Animals can only be accepted/collected at our agreed times.
- Fees are due in full on collection.
- Fees are due for the full booking if the animals are collected before the due date of departure.
- That if the animal is not collected within fourteen days of the date on which it was due to leave the kennels and no new collection date has been arranged then DogtrainingUK has the authority to sell or dispose of the animal at DogtrainingUKs discretion.