Dog Training Profile for your dog from one of our expert trainers


Rescue Kennels

There are many thousands of dogs entering Dog Rescue Centres in the UK each year. Many of these dogs would be suitable for adoption by families and make wonderful pets but unfortunately many have to be put down due to overcrowding before they can be re-homed.

Introducing a new dog into your home can reap rewards for all concerned...........both for rescue dog and family. However before going ahead it is important to consider a number of important factors not least that a dog is for life! Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you have enough spare time to spend with your dog to look after it and exercise it?

Dogs that are left for long periods can chew and be very destructive as well as developing seperation anxiety. If you are at work for long periods or away then this is probably not the right time for you.

Do you have sufficient funds to enable you to look after your dog correctly?

Regular visits to the vets are necessary for the health of your dog. Expect to have visits to the vets not only for annual vaccinations but also for all sorts of unexpected occurences. The financial commitment can at times be considerable. Pet insurance can be a way of budgeting for this.

Do you know which type of breed would be suitable?

It is important to research different breeds and temperaments. What type of lifestyle have you got? If you live in an appartement or have small children then a large boisterous dog may not be the most suitable. Learning a little about the pedigree breeds may help you decide the best choice for you as well as giving an indication about the characteristics of cross breeds.

Do you know how to carry out basic obedience training?

Some rescue dogs may come with their own behavioural problems but if you can teach just a few basic rules it will change your relationship with your dog. Take them to an obedience class or teach them at home and it will enable you to enjoy your dogs company in most situations.

When you have decided which breed but before you bring your dog home make your dog feel welcome in his/her new home by purchasing the basic items needed for his/her wellbeing. A new collar,lead, food and water bowls, dog bed, food, grooming brush, and some fun toys are a good start.

If you are not in a position to adopt a dog at this time you can still help by contributing money to your local dog rescues or even go and do voluntary work.

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